1 to 50 | 1 to 50 Gujarati | count number 1 to 50 | 1 to 50 spelling | 1 to 50 number name


1 to 50 | 1 to 50 Gujarati | count number 1 to 50 | 1 to 50 spelling | 1 to 50 number name

1 – ONE 11 – ELEVEN21 – Twenty one31 – 41 –
2 – TWO12 – Twelve22 – Twenty two32 –42 –
3 – THREE13 – Thirteen23 – Twenty three33 –43 –
4 – FOUR14 – Fourteen24 – Twenty four34 –44 –
5 – FIVE15 – Fifteen25 – Twenty five35 –45 –
6 – SIX16 – Sixteen26 – Twenty six 36 –46 –
7 – SEVEN17 – Seventeen27 – Twenty seven37 –47 –
8 – EIGHT18 – Eighteen28 – Twenty eight38 –48 –
9 – NINE19 – Nineteen29 – Twenty nine39 –49 –
10 – TEN20 – Twenty30 – Thirty40 –50 –


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